Fuzzy controllers for shape memory alloys systems (FuzzySMA) 431,044 LEI financed by the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (PE, UEFISCDI), 2020-2022, project code PPN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-1117


The Team:

S.l.dr.ing. Claudia-Adrina BOJAN-DRAGOȘ - Project Leader

Prof.dr.ing. Stefan PREITL - Member

S.l.dr.ing. Alexandra-Iulia SZEDLAK-STINEAN - Member

As.dr.ing. Raul-Cristian ROMAN - Member

As.drd.ing. Elena-Lorena HEDREA - Member



Shape Memory Alloys (SMA) are metallic materials, called “intelligent materials”, with special features as high force-to-mass ratio, light weight, biocompatibility, clean and silent operation, which make them widely used as actuators in control systems. SMA actuator testing stands were designed both teaching purpose to demonstrate the SMA behavior and for scientific use to model the specific processes and next design controllers for position and tracking control. SMA have some disadvantages such as low energy efficiency, low bandwidth due to the slow air-cooling speed and difficulty to achieve the precise control. Therefore, in order to improve the control system performance for processes with SMA actuators it is necessary to develop new adaptive fuzzy controllers. The necessity and advantages of fuzzy control structures: they support process nonlinearities, they are executable in a few minutes, they can run up to the achievement of acceptable results without the need for many experiments, and they can compensate for the lack of designer’s or user’s experience and the system stability analysis can be guaranteed using Lyapunov stability theory. The proposed control algorithms will include combination of fuzzy control, adaptive control, gain-scheduling control and sliding mode control and they will be experimentally validated on several classes of processes that include SMA actuators and laboratory control systems such as Shape Memory Alloys System, Magnetic Levitation System, Two Rotor System, Crane control system, ABS system and will be also validated as industrial controllers, with the support of the external partners (Continental Automotive Timișoara, Airbus Helicopters – through direct connections timely consolidated, Ontario Centres of Excellence – through our Ottawa team partner).

Abstract (in romanian) Aliajele cu memoria formei (engl. shape memory alloy – SMA) sunt materiale metalice, numite și „materiale inteligente”, având o funcționare silențioasă și acționează prin contracție ca și mușchii umani, ceea ce le face utile ca elemente de execuție în sistemele de reglare automată (SRA). SMA au fost concepute atât în scop didactic pentru a demonstra comportamentul SMA, cât și in scop științific pentru a determina modelul matematic aferent și a proiecta regulatoare pentru controlul poziției și urmărirea referinței. SMA prezintă și unele dezavantaje, cum ar fi eficiența energetică scăzută, lățimea de bandă redusă datorită vitezei de răcire lentă a aerului și dificultății de a obține eroare de reglare staționară nulă. Prin urmare, pentru a îmbunătăți performanțele SRA pentru procesele cu elemente de execuție bazate pe SMA este necesar să fie dezvoltate regulatoare performante și o variantă viabilă a acestora este reprezentată de regulatoare fuzzy adaptive. Structurile de reglare fuzzy au următoarele avantaje: sunt utile în cazul sistemelor cu neliniarități, sunt executabile în câteva minute, pot fi rulate pentru a obține rezultate acceptabile fără a fi nevoie de multe experimente, pot compensa lipsa de experiență a proiectantului și analiza de stabilitate a sistemului poate fi garantată folosind tehnicile de analiză a stabilității în sens Lyapunov. Noile SRA cu regulatoare fuzzy adaptive vor fi validate și testate pe echipamente de laborator: procesele cu elemente de execuție bazate pe SMA, sistemul cu levitație magnetică, sistemul aerodinamic cu două rotoare, sistemul de tip macara 3D, sistemul antiblocaj al roților. Noile SRA cu regulatoare neliniare vor fi, de asemenea, validate prin intermediul partenerilor din mediul privat (Continental Automotive Timișoara, Airbus Helicopters Romania prin relații directe consolidate în timp, Ontario Centres of Excellence prin intermediul partenerul nostru din Ottawa, Canada).

Estimeted Results:

O1. The analysis of the theoretical framework with regard to the controlling of processes that include Shape Memory Alloys actuators.

O2. The development and implementation of new three new adaptive fuzzy control algorithms for nonlinear Shape Memory Alloys processes.

O3. The validation of the proposed control algorithms as controllers for real-world processes that include SMA, with the support of the external partners (Continental Automotive Timișoara, Airbus Helicopters Romania – through direct connections timely consolidated, Ontario Centres of Excellence – through our Ottawa team partner).

O4. The dissemination of results focused on high visibility journals and important conferences.

O5. Solving the project management issues. 

Estimated results (in romanian)

O1. The analysis of the theoretical framework with regard to the controlling of processes that include Shape Memory Alloys actuators.

O2. The development and implementation of new three new adaptive fuzzy control algorithms for nonlinear Shape Memory Alloys processes.

O3. The validation of the proposed control algorithms as controllers for real-world processes that include SMA, with the support of the external partners (Continental Automotive Timișoara, Airbus Helicopters Romania – through direct connections timely consolidated, Ontario Centres of Excellence – through our Ottawa team partner).

O4. The dissemination of results focused on high visibility journals and important conferences.

O5. Solving the project management issues.


Research Reports:

Research Report for 2020 (in Romanian)

Research Report for 2021 (in English)

Research Report for 2022 (in English)


Overall Results (2020-2022):


Bojan-Dragoș, C.-A., Precup, R.-E., Hedrea, E.-L. (2022a). Sisteme de reglare fuzzy cu aplicatii mecatronice, Editura Politehnica, Colectia Automatica, pp. 166, ISBN 978-606-35-0472-3.


             Journal Papers: 

Precup, R.-E., Roman, R.-C., Hedrea, E.-L., Petriu, E. M. and Bojan-Dragoş, C.-A. (2021a). Data-Driven Model-Free Sliding Mode and Fuzzy Control with Experimental Validation, International Journal of Computers Communications & Control (Agora University Editing House - CCC Publications), 16 (1), 4076, 1-17, impact factor (IF) = 2.293, IF according to 2021 Journal Citation Reports (JCR) released by Clarivate Analytics in 2022 = 2.635 (univagora.ro/jour/), 4 independent citations according to Clarivate Analytics Web of Science. 

Precup, R.-E., David, R.-C., Roman, R.-C., Petriu, E. M., Szedlak-Stinean, A.-I. (2021b). Slime Mould Algorithm-Based Tuning of Cost-Effective Fuzzy Controllers for Servo Systems, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 14 (1), 1042–1052, impact factor (IF) = 1.736, IF according to 2021 Journal Citation Reports (JCR) released by Clarivate Analytics in 2022 = 2.259, 28 independent citations according to Clarivate Analytics Web of Science. 

Precup, R.-E., Bojan-Dragoş, C.-A., Hedrea, E.-L., Roman, R.-C., Petriu, E. M. (2021c). Evolving Fuzzy Models of Shape Memory Alloy Wire Actuators, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology (Romanian Academy, Section for Information Science and Technology), 24 (4), pp. 353-365, impact factor (IF) = 0.643, IF according to 2021 Journal Citation Reports (JCR) released by Clarivate Analytics in 2022 = 0.852, 4 independent citations according to Clarivate Analytics Web of Science. 

Precup, R.-E., Preitl, S., Bojan-Dragos, C.-A., Hedrea, E.-L., Roman R.-C., Petriu, E. M. (2022a) A Low-Cost Approach to Data-Driven Fuzzy Control of Servo Systems," Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanical Engineering, 20 (1), pp. 021-036, impact factor (IF) = 4.622, IF according to 2021 Journal Citation Reports (JCR) released by Clarivate Analytics in 2022 = 4.622, 1 independent citations according to Google Scholar. 

Precup, R.-E., Roman, R.-C., Hedrea, E.-L., Bojan-Dragos, C.-A., Damian, M.-M., Nedelcea, M.-L. (2022b). Performance Improvement of Low-Cost Iterative Learning-Based Fuzzy Control Systems for Tower Crane Systems, International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, 17 (1), pp. 1-18, impact factor (IF) = 2.635, IF according to 2021 Journal Citation Reports (JCR) released by Clarivate Analytics in 2022 = 2.635, 2 independent citations according to Clarivate Analytics Web of Science. 

Szedlak Stinean, A.-I., Precup, R.-E., Petriu, E. M., Roman, R.-C., Hedrea, E.-L., Bojan-Dragos, C.-A. (2022). Extended Kalman filter and Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy observer for a strip winding system, accepted to be publisehd in Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 208, pp. 118-215, impact factor (IF) = 8.665, IF according to 2021 Journal Citation Reports (JCR) released by Clarivate Analytics in 2022 = 8.665.


             Conference Proceedings papers 

Bojan-Dragos, C.-A., Precup, R.-E., Petriu, E. M., Roman, R.-C., Hedrea, E.-L., Szedlak Stinean, A.-I. (2022b). GWO-Based Optimal Tuning of Controllers for Shape Memory Alloy Wire Actuators, 6th IFAC Conference on Intelligent Control and Automation Sciences, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp. 1-6. 

Bojan-Dragoş, C.-A., Precup, R.-E., Preitl, S., Roman, R.-C., Hedrea, E.-L. and Szedlak-Stînean, A.-I. (2021). GWO-Based Optimal Tuning of Type-1 and Type-2 Fuzzy Controllers for Electromagnetic Actuated Clutch Systems, Proceedings of 4th IFAC Conference on Embedded Systems, Computational Intelligence and Telematics in Control CESCIT 2021, Valenciennes, France, 2021, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54 (4), 189-194, indexed in Scopus, 17 independent citations according to SCOPUS and 22 independent citations according to Google Scholar. 

Hedrea, E.-L., Precup, R.-E., Roman, R.-C., Petriu, E. M., Bojan-Dragoş, C.-A. and Hedrea, C. (2021). Tensor Product-Based Model Transformation Technique Applied to Servo Systems Modeling, Proceedings of 30th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics ISIE 2021, Kyoto, Japan, 1-6, indexed in IEEE Xplore. 

Precup, R.-E., Hedrea, E.-L., Roman, R.-C., Petriu, E. M., Bojan-Dragos, C.-A., Szedlak Stinean, A.-I., Paulescu, F.-A. (2022c). AVOA-Based Tuning of Low-Cost Fuzzy Controllers for Tower Crane Systems, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), Padova, Italy, pp. 1-6. 

Precup, R.-E., Hedrea, E.-L., Roman, R.-C., Petriu, E. M., Bojan-Dragos, C.-A., Szedlak Stinean, A.-I. (2022d). GWO-Based Performance Improvement of PD-Type Iterative Learning Fuzzy Control of Tower Crane Systems, 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Anchorage, AK, USA, pp. 1-6. 

Roman, R.-C., Precup, R.-E., Hedrea, E.-L., Preitl, S., Zamfirache, I. A., Bojan-Dragos, C.-A., Petriu, E. M. (2022a). Iterative Feedback Tuning Algorithm for Tower Crane Systems, Procedia Computer Science, 199, pp. 157-165. 

Roman, R.-C., Precup, E.-L., Preitl, S., Bojan-Dragos, C.-A., Szedlak Stinean, A.-I., Hedrea, E.-L. (2022b). Data-Driven Control Algorithms for Shape Memory Alloys, 6th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, Trieste, Italy, pp. 1-7. 

Roman, R.-C., Precup, R.-E., Preitl, S., Szedlak Stinean, A.-I., Bojan-Dragos, C.-A., Hedrea, E.-L., Petriu, E.-L. (2022c). PI Controller Tuned via Data-Driven Algorithms for Shape Memory Alloy Systems, 1st IFAC Workshop on Control of Complex Systems, COSY 2022, Bologna, Italy, pp. 1-6.