Research Contracts and Grants 


 2017 - 2018: Director of the Institutional Research Grant "Research and development projects for young researchers" (in Romanian, Proiecte de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru tineri cercetatori) PCD-TC-2017, entitled "Tensor product model transformation-based adaptive control techniques with mechatronics applications", 10000 EUR, competition organized and financed by Politehnica University of Timisoara

2014 - 2017: Member of the UPT partner in the research project "Advanced control system of a biorefinery plant" (BIOCON), 284091 EUR, national joint applied research project (PCCA, UEFISCDI), director: Prof. Sergiu Caraman, "Lower Danube" University of Galati, director of the UPT partner: Prof. Radu-Emil Precup

2014 - 2017: Member of the UPT partner in the research project "Advanced control systems for bioprocesses in food industry" (ADCOSBIO), 238637 EUR, national joint applied research project (PCCA, UEFISCDI), director: Prof. Dan Selisteanu, University of Craiova, director of the UPT partner: Prof. Radu-Emil Precup.

2014 - 2017: Member in the research project "Experimental model for an automatic capacitive compensator designed for improving the power factor and for load balancing in low-voltage electricity distribution networks" (CAEREDJT), 235102 EUR, national joint applied research project (PCCA, UEFISCDI), director: Assoc. Prof. Adrian Pana, UPT (please visit the attached link)

2012 - 2016: Member of the UPT partner in the research project "Software products based on artificial intelligence algorithms applied to modelling and optimization of chemical systems" (AISoftChim), 362903 EUR, national joint applied research project, director: Prof. Silvia Curteanu, "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, director of the UPT partner: Prof. Radu-Emil Precup

2011 - 2016: Member of the UPT partner in the research project "New performance improvement techniques of control systems using experiment-based tuning", 339907 EUR, national exploratory research grant (PCE, UEFISCDI), director of the UPT partner: Prof. Radu-Emil Precup

2008 - 2011: Doctoral researcher, member of the UPT research team (director of the UPT partner: Prof. Radu-Emil Precup), "Real-time informatics technologies for embedded-system-control of power-train in automotive design and applications" (SICONA), 500000 EUR, Romanian research contract, The National Centre for Programme Management (CNMP), Prof. Corneliu Lazar, director of the project coordinator, "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania